Accra, Dec. 20, GNA President of Ghana Hotels Association (GHA), Dr Edward Ackah-Nyamike has announced that the Association had completed its withdrawal from the Ghana Tourism Federation (GHATOF) after meeting the Federation’s Constitutional requirement.
Dr Ackah-Nyamike said that the Association had met the mandatory six weeks’ notice ahead of exiting the Federation after it served the notice on 1st November 2022.
Speaking in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Dr Ackah-Nyamike noted that the Hotels Association had written a final letter to GHATOF in line with the Federation’s Constitution to complete the withdrawal.
According to GHA President, when the Ghana News Agency’s publication about GHA’s intended exit from GHATOF came out in October, the Minister of Tourism Arts and Culture called for a meeting of the leadership of GHATOF, including Presidents of some tourism trade associations to address the concerns raised by GHA.
“The Minister after listening to our concerns, and comments from other members, assured the meeting of doing everything possible to keep GHA in GHATOF
“The Minister formed a committee to look into the issues raised by Ghana Hotels Association. The Committee has met a couple of times but yet to come out with a final report”, GHA President said.
Dr Ackah-Nyamike mentioned that GHA, however, in line with its National Executive Committee’s decision in October 2022 went ahead to notify the leadership of GHATOF with regards to its decision to exit the Federation.

He noted, also, that the Association was available for partnership or collaboration that would inure to the benefit of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Ghana.
GNA GA 20-12-2022